We're launching 50 Rebels Ambassador Program

Dear Rebels, dear Mokers,
You have often asked for it, and we have often said, "It's in progress." But now it's finally here: the 50 Rebels Ambassador Program! Since it's not financially feasible for us to ship test bikes across Europe, we still want to give our potential customers the opportunity to test the bikes before making a purchase. Lately, we have also noticed that we have many amazing customers who want to support us in sharing the joy of our 204 e-bikes and expanding the 204 community. Therefore, we thought that some of you would surely enjoy showing your bikes to potential Mokers and 50ers.

And here's how it works: You can sign up in this Typeform and let us know what you ride, how you prefer to be contacted, and where you can occasionally conduct test rides. Our support team will then pass on your contact information to potential new Rebels or Mokers, and you can coordinate the date and location directly with them. For each test ride conducted, you will receive 10 points credited to your Ambassador account. Afterwards, your contact will receive an evaluation form from us, in which they can provide feedback and give a star rating. With a 5-star rating, you will receive an additional 5 points. If our sales team completes the sale and a bike is sold, the Ambassador will receive an additional 20 points.

Your points do not expire, so you can accumulate a significant sum over time. Currently, we manually keep track of your points in an Excel list, but if the launch is successful and there are good prospects, we would be happy to digitize it. It is important to us that our Ambassadors are part of our development process. That's why we stay in touch and ask for your opinion on major changes, hoping to find more and more 204 enthusiasts together.
So, what are the points for? As an Ambassador, you will have access to exclusive accessory discount promotions. Furthermore, we have come up with a few (and one-time) extras:
20 points: We will send you a t-shirt.
100 points: The trucker cap is yours.
200 points: You will receive a premium hoodie from us.
500 points: We will send you an exclusive Ambassador denim jacket with the 50R logo.
And the best part comes last: Once a year, we invite two top Ambassadors to Portugal, including flights and hotel. You can spend a day in our factory, learn something about the bikes, and then enjoy Leandro's world-famous barbecue with the entire team. Our technician not only has a knack for bikes, that's for sure.
We are very excited to finally get started, and we welcome your feedback if you have any ideas or suggestions!
Best regards, Andreas